1. How did this year go for your farm? What successes did you experience? What challenges did you face?
  2. Were you able to complete the project as originally planned and outlined in your LOFF application? If not, please explain any delays, setbacks, or challenges. If yes, who helped you, when was it completed, and how did the process go?
  3. How has the completion of the project affected your farm? Please include any data or measurable outcomes if applicable.
  4. What other ways have you (or will you) measure the success or impact of the project? What results can you share with us now?
  5. How can co-op shoppers better support small farms like yours today and in the future, and how can they engage with you (website, farmers markets, CSA reservation, social media, etc.)?
  6. What feedback do you have about the LOFF application and grant process? How can we make the process more user-friendly for future applicants and recipients?
  7. What message would you like to pass on to our shoppers about the importance of grant programs like LOFF? Is there anything else you’d like to share?