Taste Test: EXO Protein Bar

Being that insects are the most abundant life form on earth, it makes sense that over 80% of the world is eating insects regularly. Beyond having numerous health benefits, they also have a low environmental impact since they produce virtually no methane, and require minimal feed, water and space. It is estimated that crickets are 20x more efficient to raise for protein than cattle. In short, they are a low source of protein to sustain our growing population.
I know what you’re thinking. They’re crickets. No way I’m eating that. But when some Exo Protein Bars made with cricket flour showed up on my desk, they seemed intriguing. So, I enlisted my fellow office mates to taste test them for you.
For the taste test I brought all four flavors to our weekly office meeting, cut them up into bite-sized pieces and passed them around the table. Everyone at the table was as curious as I was and were willing to try them.
The Results
Blueberry Vanilla
Taste Tester Quotes
- “It’s absolutely great”
- In a surprised tone: “They don’t taste bad!”
- “It’s very sweet”
- “I thought that was fine, a little sweet”
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Taste Tester Quotes
- “This one seems more crumbly”
- “It’s crunchier”
- “Very sweet, a little dry”
- “The after taste is nicer than the first one”
- “I think it tastes good”
Apple Cinnamon
Taste Tester Quotes
- “Smells pretty good”
- “Kinda bland compared to the first two”
- “I think it’s nice because it’s not as sweet as the first two”
- “The cinnamon is nice in there”
Cocoa Nut
Taste Tester Notes:
- “I’d rather have a chocolate bar than that”
- “If you’re expecting it to be chocolately it’s not, but I like the coco nibs”
- “It’s alright”
- “Has a slightly bitter taste to it”
Final Result
It seemed like every taste tester had their favorite, IF they could get around the fact that they were eating crickets.
Taste Test Extra – The Kid Test
At the end of the day I went to pick up my 5-year-old daughter from dance class and as usual, she didn’t want to wait the 10 minute drive home to eat something. She was hungry NOW! A snack check came up empty handed, EXCEPT for my leftover cricket bar samples. “I have cricket bars.” This of course attracted the attention of everyone around us and I was then asked a flurry of questions from several little girls.
“Eeeeewwwwwww! Crickets? Real bugs are in that?”
“Can you see their legs?”
“How do they get in there?”
“Are they still alive?”
“What do they taste like?”
I then mentioned that they came in flavors like Peanut Butter and Jelly.
“Does it really taste like peanut butter and jelly?”
“How can crickets taste like peanut butter and jelly?”
I buckled my daughter in the car and thought that was the end of it. But after a few moments I heard her say:
“Can I try it?”
I passed a PB&J piece back to her. Again, there were a few moments of silence.
“Can I have the rest of it?”
Whoa. She actually asked for the rest of the bar, with the knowledge that there are crickets in it!
“Can I try the rest of the flavors?”
I passed the rest of the samples back to her and upon taste testing all four flavors she declared Apple Cinnamon was her favorite. Then 10 minutes later she decided she didn’t like any of them because she’s five years old and that’s what five year old kids do.
The apple cinnamon is so delicious