Tag: Wellness
Veriditas Botanicals | Local Producer Q&A
Speaking with Melissa Farris, you quickly grasp her passion for her life’s work. Part chemist and herbalist, part innovative business owner, 100% environmentalist, Farris is the founder of Veriditas Botanicals. She’s also the U.S. agent for S.A. Plantes Aromatics du Diois (SAPAD). The largest selling EO cooperative in the world, SAPAD sells over one-third of … Continued

Natural Wellness Ideas for Winter
The first three months of the year in Minnesota can be some of the toughest to feel well and stay healthy. The dry air, biting cold and lack of sunshine can really take a toll. However, there are some simple, natural ways that can help you endure the winter months. Here are some natural wellness … Continued

Top 10 Wellness Items for the Holidays
This is one time of year when you really want to feel your best. But travel, family gatherings, gift shopping and numerous get-togethers can be minefields of health woes—from cold and flu bugs to hangovers. Fortunately, there are a few simple tricks to staying well this winter and enjoying it all. Here’s your cheat sheet … Continued

Holiday Survival Tips
Holiday stress, travel, cold temperatures and shorter daylight hours can make us more susceptible to feeling down. Here are a few of our favorite holiday survival tips. Take 5-10 minutes for yourself each day. Spend 5 -10 minutes away from friends and family to do something you enjoy, such as listening to music or doing … Continued

Kick Start Your Immune System for Fall
Boosting your immune system before cold and flu season gets in to full swing is important, which is why our employees have pulled together their top 10 favorite products for boosting the immune system. Gaia’s Black Elderberry Syrup: Cold and flu season beware! Our wellness team swears by this product, a natural concentration of immune-boosting … Continued

Natural Warm Weather Skin Care
Pro: Warm weather is here. Con: Harsh UV rays and bugs are too. Don’t let common skin ailments keep you from enjoying the warmth of the upcoming season with these proactive prevention tips and natural remedies: Prep your skin for sun by exfoliating wisely, cleansing regularly and wearing sunblock. Because skin absorbs up to 60% … Continued

Top 10 Supplements
By Anthony P. Landkamer, Chanhassen Wellness Manager It goes without saying that eating a well-balanced diet and nurturing your body with healthy nutrient dense food is of course one of the best actions you can take to provide for your physical and mental wellbeing. As education on nutrition, food quality, organic, non-gmo, and product ingredients continues … Continued