Tag: recipe
10 Easy Lunch Ideas for Fall
Fall is always a busy time of year. After summer wraps up and those lovely vibes end, it can be challenging to adjust to the new schedule! Make the move to fall better with 10 easy lunch ideas that keep mid-day meals fresh and delicious, so you and your household are fueled to power through … Continued

Hot Chocolate with Co-op Toppings
Winter contentment is all about finding your cozy place. Here’s a winning formula to try: comfy clothes, relaxing tunes, and a piping-hot mug of hot chocolate. Whether yours is dairy-free or dairy-full, you can make it “co-op style” with scrumptious toppings and flavor combinations. There’s truly something for everyone to sip and enjoy. Dairy-free hot … Continued

The Best Protein Shake for Your Lifestyle
DIY shakes are a great way to add extra protein to your diet. But there are a lot of options to choose from, so getting started can be overwhelming. The best protein shake is the one that gives you what you need and that you’ll actually drink. It won’t help if you can’t stand the … Continued

Kabocha Squash & Brussel Sprouts
Kabocha Squash, Pumpkin’s Sweeter Cousin Only available in the fall, kabocha squash is also known as a Japanese Pumpkin. It is extremely sweet, very rich and nutty tasting, and is unique compared to any other squash out there! It is also easy to cook, and incredibly healthy. Suggested Recipe: Roast cubed kabocha (can leave skin on) and … Continued

Sirloin Tater Tot HotDish
Hot dish will always hold a special place in our Minnesotan . Here’s a twist on a comfort food favorite made with real, unprocessed ingredients. Sirloin Tater Tot Hot Dish 2 pounds grass-fed sirloin, cut into 1 inch pieces 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper 1 cup diced carrot 1 cup … Continued

Grilled Cheese & Homemade Tomato Soup: The Perfect Comfort Food for Fall
Guest Post by Katie Parker of Veggie and the Beast With the arrival of chilly evenings and cooler weather, I’m craving comfort foods. Warm soup and a hot sandwich hit the spot. Personally I love that ultimate combo—homemade tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. With local tomatoes and fresh basil in season at your … Continued

Easy Refrigerator Pickles
It’s easy to become overwhelmed with summer’s bounty of produce. Trying to use it all before it goes bad or come up with creative ways to enjoy it all can prove to be a daunting task. An easy way to extend a food’s shelf life AND take its flavor profile to interesting and delicious places, … Continued