Tag: Produce
Local Tomato Season – It Doesn’t Have to End
I don’t think I’ll ever tire of sun-ripe, local tomatoes, but as the light begins to slant, I am looking beyond bruschetta for ways to enjoy every last bite. In this shoulder season, I’m looking for easy, quick recipes that celebrate the tomato’s unique flavors in pasta, on pizzas and gratins. Come January, I know … Continued

Bite into Heirloom Tomato Season
Celebrating a favorite flavor in a special partnership with Seed to Seed Farm. There’s nothing like the taste of a big, juicy heirloom tomato in the summer time — on a BLT or sliced thick with a pinch of salt. Through a unique partnership with Seed to Seed Farm in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, Lakewinds is … Continued

Seasonal Produce Pairings
Fresh ways to serve up the season’s hottest flavors. Burrata Made from either cow or buffalo milk, burrata is a variety of fresh mozzarella cheese formed into a pouch and filled with soft, stringy curd and cream. Cutting into a ball of burrata releases the creamy interior, and eating burrata is often described as “eating … Continued

What Is It? Yuca (Cassava) Root
One of the joys of shopping at the co-op is discovering unique foods to try. If you’ve ever been browsing in produce and spied what looks like a small club a cave man might use to go hunting — that’s yuca! What is yuca Yuca, pronounced YOO-ka, is the root of the cassava plant. Its … Continued

Making the Most of Citrus Season
Citrus season is at its peak and the benefits of these fruits (most are high in antioxidants and fiber) are hard to beat. Our produce experts have put together a few easy, unique ideas for using citrus, beyond a side dish for lunch or breakfast. Salad dressings and salsas With juices that easily pair … Continued

Celebrate Squash with Easy, Simple Meal Ideas
Big squash, little squash, blue-green squash, striped squash. No, it’s not a Dr. Seuss book – we’re in the co-op produce department! When it comes to local, late-season produce, squash is the perfect comfort food for wintry days and is incredibly versatile. Local real-food blogger Amanda Paa, herself a lover of squash, recently took over … Continued

5 Reasons to Eat Locally Grown Produce
Minnesotans love locally grown produce. In fact, we’re ranked number 11 in the nation on the U.S. 2015 Locavore Index—not bad for a state with a relatively short growing season. From the decade-strong locavore movement to popular farm-to-table restaurants, the emphasis on local continues to gain momentum. From supporting local farmers to improving your nutritional … Continued

Easy Refrigerator Pickles
It’s easy to become overwhelmed with summer’s bounty of produce. Trying to use it all before it goes bad or come up with creative ways to enjoy it all can prove to be a daunting task. An easy way to extend a food’s shelf life AND take its flavor profile to interesting and delicious places, … Continued