Tag: Produce
Garlic Scapes and How to Use Them
Garlic scapes are one of our favorite local veggies here at the co-op. If you’ve never tried these crunchy, garlicky stalks before, now is the perfect time. It’s also the only time, as they’re available for a limited window in spring and early summer. Now’s your chance to dig in! Garlic scapes explained These long, … Continued

What is Kohlrabi
A peculiar looking vegetable with beautiful leaves on long stems growing upward from a round bulb — perhaps you’ve come across kohlrabi in your grocery store and walked right by because you weren’t sure what it was! Or maybe you’ve seen a recipe for it and wondered “What is kohlrabi?” Kohlrabi is a member of … Continued

Featherstone Organic Carrots: Why Everyone Loves Them
As soon as the leaves change color in autumn comes the perennial question at the co-op: When will the Featherstone carrots be here? If you’re not familiar with Featherstone, you might wonder why this question is even asked. A carrot is a carrot, right? Well … not always! When it comes to carrots, there is … Continued

Wild Ramps and How to Use Them
It’s springtime, which means the cold is retreating, the sun is staying out longer, and green is making its triumphant return to the landscape! One of the first wild plants to sprout in the Midwest also happens to be one of the most delicious: wild ramps. These oddly named veggies are highly sought after by … Continued

The Core of Local Apples
Apple season in Minnesota is the epitome of local flavor. Across the state and throughout the produce department, local apples abound. But what’s the story behind the crisp, juicy fruits we love so much? Local apple growers give us the in-cider scoop! WHISTLING WELL FARM Hastings, MN Located in the rolling hills of Washington County, … Continued

10 Easy Uses for Zucchini
Running out of ideas for how to use all that zucchini spilling from your garden or staring you down at the farmer’s market? Well, this is for you! Don’t resort to your same old recipes: Here are 10 easy uses for zucchini to try this season. 1. Roast them in wedges Zucchini can function as … Continued

Women Powered! Harmony Valley Farm
Andrea Yoder Co-Owner of Harmony Valley Farm in Viroqua, Wisconsin As she sees it, Andrea Yoder’s background as a dietician and chef is a natural complement to her life as a farmer. “I’m still a chef,” says Yoder. “My job now is to nourish people by growing organic food, but I also try to help … Continued

What are Sunchokes?
You’ve probably passed by humble sunchokes on your way to the root vegetables in our produce department. Maybe you were unsure how to prepare it, or were unimpressed by its appearance. However, despite its unexceptional look, sunchokes are versatile and have a ton of fiber. These low-carbohydrate, ginger-root-looking tubers are a great veggie option to … Continued

Budget Shopping Tips
Co-op shopping is better for you, the environment, and local farmers, but we appreciate that keeping to your grocery budget is also important. We’re here to help with a list of tips to get the most out of budget shopping the co-op way. Be an owner First and foremost, to get the most of your … Continued