10 Morning Routine Tips to Make Your Day Better

The alarm goes off and you’re off to the races: making breakfast, packing lunches, getting showered, preparing for the day. If your mornings leave you feeling frazzled, here are some tips from the team at the co-op! Help your morning routine be a little easier and smoother, so you start your day calm, cool, and … Continued

10 Easy Uses for Zucchini

Running out of ideas for how to use all that zucchini spilling from your garden or staring you down at the farmer’s market? Well, this is for you! Don’t resort to your same old recipes: Here are 10 easy uses for zucchini to try this season. 1. Roast them in wedges Zucchini can function as … Continued

Low Cook and No Cook Dinner Ideas

As life returns to normal, many of us have schedules that are filling up, too. When you’re juggling kids’ sports activities, volunteer commitments, or are just working late, it’s helpful to know easy meals that you can throw together fast. Here are quick, easy, low cook and no cook dinner ideas to help make busy … Continued

10 Valentine’s Day Ideas That Make the Day Special

You know what’s coming: Valentine’s Day! How do you keep this holiday low-stress for you but special for your loved ones? Here are 10 Valentine’s Day ideas (including no-cost options) to help you show your appreciation for your valentine, whether it’s a partner, child, or friend. 1. Do something healthy together. Carve out time on … Continued

Wellness Insights – Sampson Q&A

Our Wellness department team members are a great resource of information, with helpful insight about topics ranging from clean skin care to supplements. Matthew Sampson, a wellness associate at our Minnetonka store, shows us how to make DIY infused oils and shares some of his favorite tips, which start not in the wellness department, but in … Continued

Winter Self Care from the Co-op

  This year, more people than usual are reporting they they’re stressed. More of us have trouble sleeping, feel overwhelmed by distance learning and working, and feel lonely and disconnected. What a year we’ve had in 2020! While there are certain things we can’t change, there’s one thing we can do — take better care … Continued

Top 10 Daily Hacks for a Green Lifestyle

Each April, people around the world mark Earth Day and look at ways to help the planet. If you’re looking for new ideas, here are 10 hacks for a green lifestyle for you to try! Remember, when choosing to live green, it’s all about small steps and little choices vs. getting caught up in doing everything … Continued

What are Sunchokes?

You’ve probably passed by humble sunchokes on your way to the root vegetables in our produce department. Maybe you were unsure how to prepare it, or were unimpressed by its appearance. However, despite its unexceptional look, sunchokes are versatile and have a ton of fiber. These low-carbohydrate, ginger-root-looking tubers are a great veggie option to … Continued

Budget Shopping Tips

Co-op shopping is better for you, the environment, and local farmers, but we appreciate that keeping to your grocery budget is also important. We’re here to help with a list of tips to get the most out of budget shopping the co-op way. Be an owner First and foremost, to get the most of your … Continued