Tag: Healthy
15 Ways to Eat More Fermented Foods
The chill of winter brings not only frosty mornings, but cold and flu season, too. Gut health is important year-round, but is particularly top of mind this time of year, when having a balanced gut microbiome is crucial to supporting your immune system. One easy way to support gut health is with probiotics, particularly those … Continued

8 Winter Activities to Counter Cabin Fever
December is full of anticipation: brisk air, fresh snow, and celebrations to enjoy. But by late January, even the biggest winter-lovers among us can experience cabin fever. We’ve gathered ideas for winter activities and items from the co-op that can help you not only survive the short, cold days and long nights, but actually thrive. … Continued

The Best Protein Shake for Your Lifestyle
DIY shakes are a great way to add extra protein to your diet. But there are a lot of options to choose from, so getting started can be overwhelming. The best protein shake is the one that gives you what you need and that you’ll actually drink. It won’t help if you can’t stand the … Continued

Going Green for an Eco-friendly New Year
Happy New Year! The new year is a perfect chance to break old habits that aren’t working for you, build new ones, and work on goals. Many of us are looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact and live more sustainably. Here are three easy resolutions for going green in the new year! 1. … Continued

10 Morning Routine Tips to Make Your Day Better
The alarm goes off and you’re off to the races: making breakfast, packing lunches, getting showered, preparing for the day. If your mornings leave you feeling frazzled, here are some tips from the team at the co-op! Help your morning routine be a little easier and smoother, so you start your day calm, cool, and … Continued

What Functional Beverages are Right For You
First there was kombucha. Then shots of wheatgrass. Now there are a number of different functional beverage options, from prebiotic gut shots to tonics, and from elixirs to fire cider. (And of course we still have plenty of kombucha!) When you’re staying hydrated this summer, it’s nice to know which beverages have certain benefits that … Continued

10 Deli Hacks for Easy Summer Meals
Every day, the deli team is chopping, mixing, sautéing, and baking. Mincing, tossing, whisking, and roasting. So you get to enjoy scratch-made dishes of the highest, freshest quality — and use some of them to assemble easy summer meals, too. The delicious food the deli team makes can be used in a number of ways … Continued

Winter Self Care from the Co-op
This year, more people than usual are reporting they they’re stressed. More of us have trouble sleeping, feel overwhelmed by distance learning and working, and feel lonely and disconnected. What a year we’ve had in 2020! While there are certain things we can’t change, there’s one thing we can do — take better care … Continued

10 Food Swaps to Switch It Up
When the new year hits, resolutions abound. But what if we all focused on making easy swaps or adding in, instead of taking away? Adding in more time to connect with others. Increasing our intentionality to take better care of ourselves. And weaving in routines or steps that support our well-being throughout the year, including … Continued