Tag: DIY
Cheese Board Tips for the Holiday
Charcuterie boards are a great way to add some excitement and visual appeal to your appetizer spread. Creating a beautiful and tasty board doesn’t have to be difficult. Use these tips as a starting point, then get creative and customize your cheese board to fit the tastes and theme of your gathering. Choose your canvas. … Continued

10 Easy Uses for Zucchini
Running out of ideas for how to use all that zucchini spilling from your garden or staring you down at the farmer’s market? Well, this is for you! Don’t resort to your same old recipes: Here are 10 easy uses for zucchini to try this season. 1. Roast them in wedges Zucchini can function as … Continued

Wellness Insights – Sampson Q&A
Our Wellness department team members are a great resource of information, with helpful insight about topics ranging from clean skin care to supplements. Matthew Sampson, a wellness associate at our Minnetonka store, shows us how to make DIY infused oils and shares some of his favorite tips, which start not in the wellness department, but in … Continued

Healthy Soil In 5 Easy Steps
Healthy soil is an important part of our planet’s health and happiness. For such a vital pillar of environmentalism, it often doesn’t get as much attention as other important issues like reducing waste and fuel emissions. Yet, without healthy soil we can’t grow organic produce or raise healthy animals. Without healthy soil our beautiful green … Continued

Top 10 Daily Hacks for a Green Lifestyle
Each April, people around the world mark Earth Day and look at ways to help the planet. If you’re looking for new ideas, here are 10 hacks for a green lifestyle for you to try! Remember, when choosing to live green, it’s all about small steps and little choices vs. getting caught up in doing everything … Continued

Eco-Friendly Garden Planning
The snow is melting, the birds are chirping, and the sun’s staying out a little bit longer. It’s time to start thinking about garden plans! Whether you’re a floral fanatic, a backyard farmer, or a little bit of both, early spring is an exciting time of year. Deciding what to do with your plot of … Continued

Budget Shopping Tips
Co-op shopping is better for you, the environment, and local farmers, but we appreciate that keeping to your grocery budget is also important. We’re here to help with a list of tips to get the most out of budget shopping the co-op way. Be an owner First and foremost, to get the most of your … Continued

Making the Most of Citrus Season
Citrus season is at its peak and the benefits of these fruits (most are high in antioxidants and fiber) are hard to beat. Our produce experts have put together a few easy, unique ideas for using citrus, beyond a side dish for lunch or breakfast. Salad dressings and salsas With juices that easily pair … Continued

DIY Gifts from the Co-op
Tis the season for gift giving, and what better way to show you care than with gifts made by hand from the co-op! These DIY gifts save packaging waste and include inexpensive, organic ingredients. You’ll need: Quart wide-mouth mason jar ¼ pint mason jar 3 cups bulk popcorn 2 teaspoons garlic powder 2 teaspoons onion … Continued