Tag: Community
Small Change, Big Impact: Rounding Up at the Register
When you shop at Lakewinds, you have the option of rounding up your purchase to the nearest dollar in support of local nonprofits. While those extra cents may not seem like a lot, when multiplied by thousands of shoppers, rounding up starts to add up. How much are we talking? Since 2015, Lakewinds shoppers have … Continued

Food Rescue: Cutting Food Waste & Giving Back
Grocery stores like Lakewinds, along with other food-related businesses such as restaurants and farms, generate food waste. There’s no way to avoid it completely, but we can take steps to minimize waste and redirect safe, edible food to those who need it. One way the co-op aims to reduce food waste is through food rescue … Continued

Original Local Food with Chef Austin Bartold
The Twin Cities food scene is vibrant and storied — a showcase of diverse traditions and food ways, as well as tasty local ingredients. Chef Austin Bartold brings his care for community and respect for the food system to every dish he creates. He highlights local ingredients at their peak season in a way that … Continued

Dale Woodbeck’s Legacy at Lakewinds
Dale Woodbeck is retiring from the co-op after 12 years as Lakewind’s general manager. Here’s his final letter to owners, which also appears in the summer issue of ReFresh, along with reflections from those he’s worked with. Join us as we celebrate Dale’s legacy at Lakewinds! Appreciations for Dale “Dale is going to be so … Continued

Growing Food Access Close to Home
Food access is a hurdle for many in the communities we call home. In each of our communities, there are neighbors in need. Providing assistance in the way of dollars and food donations is a top priority at Lakewinds. Access to healthy food is a cornerstone for our community giving programs, and we’ve cultivated partnerships … Continued

Meet Doubting Thomas Farms
Before noon, organic farmer Noreen Thomas meets with a local baker, helps harvest oats, feeds her chickens, checks on the lion’s mane mushrooms she’s growing, assesses her organic rye field, and stops by a field of experimental flaxseed. And within that busy morning, she takes time to talk about her local organic farm, the … Continued

Healthy Soil In 5 Easy Steps
Healthy soil is an important part of our planet’s health and happiness. For such a vital pillar of environmentalism, it often doesn’t get as much attention as other important issues like reducing waste and fuel emissions. Yet, without healthy soil we can’t grow organic produce or raise healthy animals. Without healthy soil our beautiful green … Continued

Top 10 Daily Hacks for a Green Lifestyle
Each April, people around the world mark Earth Day and look at ways to help the planet. If you’re looking for new ideas, here are 10 hacks for a green lifestyle for you to try! Remember, when choosing to live green, it’s all about small steps and little choices vs. getting caught up in doing everything … Continued

Zero-Waste Lifestyle Tips
Whatever your motivation for living a low-waste lifestyle, we have ideas that can help! Jenna Galarneau is a wellness associate at our Minnetonka store. She’s been striving to live a zero-waste lifestyle with her family for the last three years, and in our Q&A, she shares advice for reducing waste without stressing out. Q: What … Continued