Beyond the Bag: The Benefits of Buying in Bulk

From the very beginning, Lakewinds has provided its shoppers the sustainable option of bulk buying. Now, 50 years later, we continue that practice in each store location with our bulk aisles. Lakewinds replenishers Angel (Chanhassen), Ari (Minnetonka), and Joker (Richfield), who maintain these aisles, are here to answer your bulk-buying questions so you can learn … Continued

What are Bitters?

Bitters are having a comeback! Traditionally used in cocktails, their use is expanding to a number of areas, from functional drinks and mocktails to desserts. What are bitters? Bitters are concentrated extracts or tinctures that are made by infusing or muddling botanicals or aromatics, such as roots, herbs, barks, flowers, or fruit peels. These tinctures … Continued

Holiday Stress Relief

Along with the joy of the holidays can come unwanted pressure. You might be facing a daunting list of items to buy, food to cook, or presents to wrap. If you need some stress relief this season, here are ideas from the co-op to help you feel your best self, even during the most wonderfully … Continued

10 Tips for Healthy Sleep Hygiene

When schedules get busy, you might stay up later than usual or get up early to compensate. Before you know it, sleep can get out of whack. With a few simple behavior changes during the day, you can restore your restful routine faster. Here are 10 ideas to help improve your sleep hygiene, so you … Continued