Summer Sun & Bug Care

Pro: Warm weather is here.
Con: Harsh UV rays and bugs are too.
Try these proactive tips and remedies to stay healthy without the chemicals as you enjoy all the wonders of summer.
Safer sunscreens. During these longer days, the sun’s rays are stronger, especially between 10 am and 4 pm. When covering up or shade is not an option, be sure to use a sunscreen that protects you from both UVA and UVB rays. Your skin absorbs up to 60% of what is applied to it, so your go-to suncare products should never contain synthetic preservatives or oxybenzone and avobenzone, chemicals that are labeled as hormone disrupters.
Our picks: Badger, Goddess Garden and Acure sunscreens
Soothe the burn. If you do get sunburned, cool and reduce inflammation with an aloe vera gel or lotion, diluted apple cider vinegar or lavender hydrosol.
Our picks: Lily of the Desert 99% Aloe Gelly, Veriditas Lavender Hydrosol and Braggs Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
No Mosquito zone. The warmth and humidity signals the return of Minnesota’s state bird, the mosquito, along with other unwelcome pests. Keeping them away, especially from children who are prone to scratching, is a top priority. While all bug repellents have pros and cons, a repellent containing eucalyptus citridor (lemon eucalyptus) or geranium oil is your best DEET-free option.
Our picks: Veriditas Bug Off! Repellent Concentrate, Badger Anti-Bug Balm
Ease the itch: Excessive itching and picking can cause permanent damage to skin. Heal bug bites naturally and stop the itch by applying a cool, damp teabag or inflammation-reducing essential oils.
Our picks: tea bags, Veriditas Botanicals Bug Bite Eraser by