Category: Local Focus
Local Summer Salad with Asparagus & Pink Peppercorn Vinaigrette
Look for the freshest local greens in store and use a combination of what’s in season. You can also omit the greens and make a delicious asparagus salad or side dish. Serves 4 Ingredients 1 head butter lettuce, mache, baby arugula and other tender local greens 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed 4 eggs Parmesan, shaved Pink … Continued

Exceptionally Delicious Soba Noodles with Dipping Sauce
Once upon a time, if you wanted to make a recipe that called for soba, udon, or any other kind of Asian noodle, you had to find your nearest Asian grocery store. And locally made? Don’t even think about it. But all that has changed now that “Exceptionally Curious Noodles” from Dumpling & Strand Noodlers at Large have … Continued

Back to the Grindstone
The toasty, yeasty scent of bread baking catapults me right back to my grandmother’s kitchen. There, as a child, I’d stand on a step and help her twist dough into a braided loaf or shape fist sized dinner rolls. These days I find baking bread, actually, baking anything, to be as relaxing as it is … Continued

The Environmental Impact of Pasture-Raised Pork
There are many different factors that dictate the food that we put in our carts each time we visit Lakewinds. Whether it’s fruit, vegetables, eggs, dairy, meat, grains, one important issue that crosses all of them is the environmental impact. Especially with meat, confinement/conventional means of raising the animals compared to grassfed, pasture raised has … Continued

Why Pasture Raised Pork Does a Body Good
It’s a very exciting time for all of us at Lakewinds, with exclusive access to pasture-raised pork from TC Farm. Personally, when I hear the words grass-fed or pasture-raised, my first thoughts jump to the ethics — raising animals in a compassionate way, having the golden ticket to roam free, as well as the … Continued

From Pasture to Plate, the Passion of TC Farm
It was a July morning, blazing hot already at 8 am. We arrived at TC Farm with grayish blue skies threatening a little rain, the humid fog rising above the dark green pastures. As I opened my car door I was greeted by the sounds and smell … Continued

Local Tomato Season – It Doesn’t Have to End
I don’t think I’ll ever tire of sun-ripe, local tomatoes, but as the light begins to slant, I am looking beyond bruschetta for ways to enjoy every last bite. In this shoulder season, I’m looking for easy, quick recipes that celebrate the tomato’s unique flavors in pasta, on pizzas and gratins. Come January, I know … Continued

Art of the Butcher
What goes into the products you find in the Lakewinds Meat Department? Great talent, ethical practices, close partnerships, and a passion for quality. We source and handle all our products according to uncompromising standards, so you can trust every cut is safe, flavorful and humanely raised. See what makes Lakewinds meat so good. Sourcing When … Continued

Growing with our Communities
What a fun day in the garden at Bluff Creek Elementary School in Chanhassen! This K-5 school is right down the road from our Chanhassen location, and Lakewinds is now an enthusiastic partner in their school garden. We started by donating seeds, participated in the big planting day on May 13th, and will follow through … Continued