8 Eco-friendly Living Tips From the Co-op

In the spring, as Earth Day approaches, it’s the perfect time to think of ways you can help improve the health of the planet. And the co-op team can help, sharing some favorite tips and tricks that help you have a positive impact.   Reduce plastic waste | Ellie, MOD at Chanhassen Look for reusable … Continued

Refresh Your Morning & Evening Routine

Springtime is the perfect time to look at your morning and evening practices to assess what’s working (or not). With winter in the rearview mirror, revisit those routines that help you stay happy, centered, and healthy — while you support local and sustainable companies. Morning Routine Eco Lips Brown Sugar Lip Scrub If you wake … Continued

Kernza: A Local Grain with a Big Future

Have you tried Kernza® perennial grain yet? This game-changing grain is arriving at Lakewinds this spring after winning over local farmers. Find out what makes Kernza appealing to growers, environmentalists, and cooks alike. Background A hearty, perennial crop harvested from intermediate wheatgrass, Kernza was developed by the Land Institute with help from the University of … Continued

Wellness Insights – Sampson Q&A

Our Wellness department team members are a great resource of information, with helpful insight about topics ranging from clean skin care to supplements. Matthew Sampson, a wellness associate at our Minnetonka store, shows us how to make DIY infused oils and shares some of his favorite tips, which start not in the wellness department, but in … Continued

10 Natural Wellness Trends for 2021

It’s 2021, and along with the new year comes new trends in natural wellness. From eco-friendly items to products that help support better sleep, here are 10 wellness trends to know for the coming year. Sustainable lifestyle Sustainability is a fundamental co-op value, and many people continue to look for ways to integrate earth-friendly practices … Continued

Winter Self Care from the Co-op

  This year, more people than usual are reporting they they’re stressed. More of us have trouble sleeping, feel overwhelmed by distance learning and working, and feel lonely and disconnected. What a year we’ve had in 2020! While there are certain things we can’t change, there’s one thing we can do — take better care … Continued

10 Food Swaps to Switch It Up

When the new year hits, resolutions abound. But what if we all focused on making easy swaps or adding in, instead of taking away? Adding in more time to connect with others. Increasing our intentionality to take better care of ourselves. And weaving in routines or steps that support our well-being throughout the year, including … Continued

Proper Produce Storage

Proper produce storage is important because fresh fruits and veggies are a vital part of our daily diet. They’re also some of the most perishable items on your shopping list. Here are some easy, money-saving tricks to help your produce last longer, speed up your meal prep, and reduce how often you need to pick … Continued

Cutting Back on Kitchen Waste

Reducing food and packaging waste in the kitchen has a major impact on our planet. According to the USDA, “In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply. This amount of waste has far-reaching impacts on society … wholesome food that could have helped feed families in need … Continued