Category: Healthy Living
Beyond the Bag: The Benefits of Buying in Bulk
From the very beginning, Lakewinds has provided its shoppers the sustainable option of bulk buying. Now, 50 years later, we continue that practice in each store location with our bulk aisles. Lakewinds replenishers Angel (Chanhassen), Ari (Minnetonka), and Joker (Richfield), who maintain these aisles, are here to answer your bulk-buying questions so you can learn … Continued

Whole Body Winter Wellness
This season can be delightful: waking up to a world covered in snow, snuggling up with hot chocolate and a good book, gathering with friends and family. But when it takes a toll in the form of colds, dry skin, and chapped lips, the co-op is here for you. At Lakewinds, you’ll find winter wellness … Continued

Functional Add-Ins for Your Sipping Broth
A hot mug of sipping broth in the morning can be a comforting way to start a chilly day. When it’s made with lots of vitamin-packed veggies and protein-packed bones, broth can also be a general nutritional powerhouse. And if you’re feeling a little off, the wellness department has plenty of add-ins you can mix … Continued

Immune Support and Other Wellness Tips for Fall
Going from fun summer getaways and weekends up north to work routines and school desks can be jarring. Returning to cramming for tests, tackling large projects at work, and juggling busy schedules can be an adjustment! If you or your loved ones need extra support during this time, the Wellness team has suggestions to help. … Continued

What are Bitters?
Bitters are having a comeback! Traditionally used in cocktails, their use is expanding to a number of areas, from functional drinks and mocktails to desserts. What are bitters? Bitters are concentrated extracts or tinctures that are made by infusing or muddling botanicals or aromatics, such as roots, herbs, barks, flowers, or fruit peels. These tinctures … Continued

Eco-friendly Products to Help You Live Sustainably
Earth Day is the perfect time to assess your eco-friendly habits. Whether you’re composting, aiming to drive less and walk and bike more, working to conserve water, or using less plastic, there are lots of small ways to live more sustainably. As the quote from chef and author Anne Marie Bonneau goes, “We don’t need a … Continued

15 Ways to Eat More Fermented Foods
The chill of winter brings not only frosty mornings, but cold and flu season, too. Gut health is important year-round, but is particularly top of mind this time of year, when having a balanced gut microbiome is crucial to supporting your immune system. One easy way to support gut health is with probiotics, particularly those … Continued

8 Winter Activities to Counter Cabin Fever
December is full of anticipation: brisk air, fresh snow, and celebrations to enjoy. But by late January, even the biggest winter-lovers among us can experience cabin fever. We’ve gathered ideas for winter activities and items from the co-op that can help you not only survive the short, cold days and long nights, but actually thrive. … Continued

Holiday Stress Relief
Along with the joy of the holidays can come unwanted pressure. You might be facing a daunting list of items to buy, food to cook, or presents to wrap. If you need some stress relief this season, here are ideas from the co-op to help you feel your best self, even during the most wonderfully … Continued