Author: Katie Volney
Plant-Based Wellness 101
The benefits of following a plant-based diet can include increased productivity, improvements in anxiety, fatigue and general health (American Journal of Health Promotion, March/April 2015). In addition to the benefits outlined by the AJHP, incorporating plant-based products into other areas of our life, including beauty products and supplements, can be helpful too. We’ve included a … Continued

Making the Most of Citrus Season
Citrus season is at its peak and the benefits of these fruits (most are high in antioxidants and fiber) are hard to beat. Our produce experts have put together a few easy, unique ideas for using citrus, beyond a side dish for lunch or breakfast. Salad dressings and salsas With juices that easily pair … Continued

New Year, New (Healthy) Skin
With the New Year, we’re all being more conscious of what we put in our bodies, but what you put ON your body can be just as important. While none of the products we carry in our stores contain any of the harmful additives below, we’ve outlined them so you can check the labels of … Continued

Comparing Winter Citrus
In the cold of winter, citrus is refreshing, delicious and supports our health. Luckily for us, winter is the peak season for some of the most delicious and nutrient-dense citrus fruits. Here’s how they compare to each other. Type of fruit: Red grapefruit Taste: Tart and tangy with an underlying sweetness How to eat: Cut and eat … Continued

Holiday Survival Tips
Holiday stress, travel, cold temperatures and shorter daylight hours can make us more susceptible to feeling down. Here are a few of our favorite holiday survival tips. Take 5-10 minutes for yourself each day. Spend 5 -10 minutes away from friends and family to do something you enjoy, such as listening to music or doing … Continued

A Master’s Guide to Shopping the Bulk Aisle
With hundreds of items to choose from, including herbs, oils, whole grains and baking supplies, the bulk aisle is often the most heavily trafficked area in our stores – and for good reason! In honor of our One-day Bulk Sale on November 14, our bulk aisle experts have pulled together a list of tips and advice to … Continued

Herbal Teas for Fall
The crisp fall air sends tea lovers in search of their next warm, soothing mug. . Lakewinds carries a variety of fair trade and organic teas, both packaged and in the bulk section. We’ve highlighted some of our favorites, including pairing tips for blending your own teas. Plus we’ve included interesting information about the health … Continued

Kick Start Your Immune System for Fall
Boosting your immune system before cold and flu season gets in to full swing is important, which is why our employees have pulled together their top 10 favorite products for boosting the immune system. Gaia’s Black Elderberry Syrup: Cold and flu season beware! Our wellness team swears by this product, a natural concentration of immune-boosting … Continued

Don’t Judge a Veggie By Its Root
With thick skin, strange colors and long, sprouty stems, very few would argue that root vegetables are the Brad Pitt of produce. While not always aesthetically pleasing, root vegetables are tasty and nutrient-dense. We’ve outlined below our top five reasons to stock your pantry with in-season root vegetables this fall. Versatile: Most root vegetables can be … Continued