Author: Jill Holter
3-2-1 SNACK!
Backpack snacks, after school snacks, on-the-way-to-practice snacks . . . Lakewinds has you covered. Try our simple formula for colorful, nutritious and delicious munchies you can grab and go. Choose something from each category below and liven up your snack offerings. Buy ingredients in bulk at Lakewinds to save money and avoid packaging waste. Reusable … Continued

Easy Refrigerator Pickles
It’s easy to become overwhelmed with summer’s bounty of produce. Trying to use it all before it goes bad or come up with creative ways to enjoy it all can prove to be a daunting task. An easy way to extend a food’s shelf life AND take its flavor profile to interesting and delicious places, … Continued

DIY Recipes for Grilling Season
With grilling season upon us, skip the bottled and boxed rubs, marinades and flavorings. Less packaging, less questionable ingredients, better flavor. Most items here can be purchased from the bulk aisle, saving money and allowing for personalization of each recipe. A simple change from regular salt and pepper, these items will take your grilled meats, … Continued