Author: Amanda Paa
The Environmental Impact of Pasture-Raised Pork
There are many different factors that dictate the food that we put in our carts each time we visit Lakewinds. Whether it’s fruit, vegetables, eggs, dairy, meat, grains, one important issue that crosses all of them is the environmental impact. Especially with meat, confinement/conventional means of raising the animals compared to grassfed, pasture raised has … Continued

Why Pasture Raised Pork Does a Body Good
It’s a very exciting time for all of us at Lakewinds, with exclusive access to pasture-raised pork from TC Farm. Personally, when I hear the words grass-fed or pasture-raised, my first thoughts jump to the ethics — raising animals in a compassionate way, having the golden ticket to roam free, as well as the … Continued

From Pasture to Plate, the Passion of TC Farm
It was a July morning, blazing hot already at 8 am. We arrived at TC Farm with grayish blue skies threatening a little rain, the humid fog rising above the dark green pastures. As I opened my car door I was greeted by the sounds and smell … Continued

Makeup Clean Up: Discovering Better Beauty Products Part 2
Because of harsh chemicals in makeup, I wore little or no cosmetics for about a year. However, I recently decided that instead of omitting makeup, I would find better, natural beauty products. I knew that Lakewinds thoroughly assesses its skincare products and holds them to the highest safety standards, so I went there to start … Continued

Makeup Clean Up: Discovering Better Beauty Products
Most of us have become accustomed to checking ingredient lists on the food we buy, but there’s another aspect we need to think about — what we put onto our body. It’s just as important as what we put into it, yet turning the bottle around and inspecting the lengthy ingredient list can be daunting. … Continued