Women Powered! Harmony Valley Farm

Andrea Yoder Co-Owner of Harmony Valley Farm in Viroqua, Wisconsin As she sees it, Andrea Yoder’s background as a dietician and chef is a natural complement to her life as a farmer. “I’m still a chef,” says Yoder. “My job now is to nourish people by growing organic food, but I also try to help … Continued

What is Romanesco

You may have seen this interesting-looking vegetable, read its name, and wondered, “What in the world is romanesco?” A relative of broccoli and cauliflower, romanesco’s bright green hue (or sometimes bright purple) might even lure in vegetable-resistant eaters. And they won’t be disappointed! This member of the brassica family has a sweeter, mild flavor, and … Continued

What are Sunchokes?

You’ve probably passed by humble sunchokes on your way to the root vegetables in our produce department. Maybe you were unsure how to prepare it, or were unimpressed by its appearance. However, despite its unexceptional look, sunchokes are versatile and have a ton of fiber. These low-carbohydrate, ginger-root-looking tubers are a great veggie option to … Continued

Budget Shopping Tips

Co-op shopping is better for you, the environment, and local farmers, but we appreciate that keeping to your grocery budget is also important. We’re here to help with a list of tips to get the most out of budget shopping the co-op way. Be an owner First and foremost, to get the most of your … Continued

8 Tips for Managing Stress

Stress affects most people in one form or another. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, in a typical year 69% of adults see health care as a significant source of stress (Stress in AmericaTM 2019). In 2020, more Americans experienced higher levels of stress due to the pandemic (Stress in America 2020). … Continued

Superior Fresh Atlantic salmon receives non-GMO certification

Genetically-modified salmon will soon be hitting grocery store shelves after recent approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In response, Superior Fresh Farms — providers of organic greens and farmed Atlantic salmon sold at Lakewinds — has been certified non-GMO by A Greener World, a nonprofit organization that verifies that farms meet certain criteria … Continued

Top 10 Holiday Gift Ideas from the Co-op

Americans are expected to spend more than $725 billion on holiday-related purchases during the last two months of the year, according to the National Retail Federation. Just think of the good it could do if even a portion of that amount was spent on sustainable, local gifts, Fair Trade items, or environmentally friendly gifts. If … Continued

Winter Squash 101

Here at Lakewinds, we’re all about getting cozy and comfy as the winter months arrive. What better way to settle in than make a delicious recipe using winter squash? Though a humble fruit (yes, it’s a fruit!), squash is very versatile and enhances the flavor of many dishes. What are winter squash? Winter squash come … Continued

Lakewinds Loves Our Staff

What’s the secret to Lakewinds’ success as a co-op retail grocery store and active member of our community?  It’s our fantastic staff, both on the sales floor and behind the scenes! We decided to sit down with Grocery Category Manager for Refrigerated, Bulk Foods, Bread & Coffee, Paris, to learn about her time at Lakewinds, … Continued