Beyond the Bag: The Benefits of Buying in Bulk

From the very beginning, Lakewinds has provided its shoppers the sustainable option of bulk buying. Now, 50 years later, we continue that practice in each store location with our bulk aisles. Lakewinds replenishers Angel (Chanhassen), Ari (Minnetonka), and Joker (Richfield), who maintain these aisles, are here to answer your bulk-buying questions so you can learn the benefits of bulk.

Employee Angel Smiling Employee Ari Smiling Employee Joker Smiling

Buying in Bulk: A Sustainable Choice

“The bulk aisle is a more earth-friendly approach to grocery shopping, using less plastic for products,” says Ari.

“[It’s] a great way to simplify some of your shopping, because you can pick exactly the amount of product you need,” adds Joker.

Lakewinds offers a wide variety of products in bulk, including grains, nuts, snacks, coffees, teas, herbs, spices, and more. This simple act of buying in bulk instead of prepackaged can make a significant impact on the environment. “Since most, if not all, of our [bulk] products come in compostable and recyclable materials, we have less waste and so do the customers!” says Ari. By reducing packaging waste, you’re helping to minimize the carbon footprint and preserve precious resources.

Birdseye Of Jars With Bulk Products

Fresh at Hand

When you shop in our bulk aisles, you’re getting fresher ingredients. Unlike prepackaged items, which can sit on shelves for extended periods, our bulk products are frequently replenished, ensuring optimal freshness. Angel explains that when she fills the bins, she always pushes any remaining product to the front, so nothing is sitting and getting stale.

Employee Joker Pours Flour Into Bulk Bin

“With things that are packaged, the company makes as much as they think they’ll need for a certain amount of time, and then it will sit in a warehouse for a long time. Whereas with bulk products, like with Whole Grain Milling, often it is ground to order. They’ll make it that week and then send it to us,” says Joker. “Things like flours, nuts, herbs, and spices especially are a lot fresher in the bulk department. More often than not it will be the more affordable option, too.” This means you’re getting the most out of your food, both in terms of taste and nutritional value.

A Penny-Pinching Practice

Looking at the pricing in the bulk aisle can be confusing at first. You’ll only pay for the exact amount you need, so the price that’s printed on the bin will be different than what you pay, particularly after taking off the weight of a container brought from home. Because you can buy only the amount you need, you not only avoid food waste but also save money. One of the benefits of bulk, according to Angel, is that savings. “It’s a lot cheaper with certain items than packaged items. You can get a lot more for the same price sometimes.”

A Row Of Bulk Spices

Joker adds, “[Usually people are] only buying a small amount. Pine nuts, you look at it and it says $44.99 per pound, and you think ‘I don’t want to pay that much!’ Well actually, [in pre-packaged form] you are paying like $13.99 for 3 ounces of pine nuts [where that same amount in bulk would be under $10]. There is a very big misconception over the bulk price tag.”

“Each product will have a 4-digit PLU number you can type into the scale for a label. That label will give you the price [you will pay], the weight of your product, and the ingredients. If the scale is a bit daunting, you can also just write that PLU number on a sticker, and stick that on your bag. The cashiers will be able to ring it in just fine that way as well,” says Ari.

A Cooperative Tradition

Minnetonka Bulk Aisle Circa 2000

Our commitment to bulk shopping is deeply rooted in our cooperative history. Back in the 1970s, a small group including Edie Stodola and Helen Davis worked together to create the Minnetonka Buying Club, which benefited from the cost-saving practice of bulk buying staple ingredients and whole grain breads. Since then, we’ve increased our selection to provide shoppers with a wide variety of high-quality, local, and organic foods. The bulk aisle stands testament to the enduring tradition of buying in bulk, offering a convenient and sustainable way to shop.

Buying in Bulk: Join the Movement

Three Bulk Employees Standing in the Bulk Aisle

Angel explains that helping someone shop the bulk aisle for the first time, and then to see them come back empowered to continue shopping in bulk, is truly something special. The replenishers strive to help everyone feel comfortable buying in bulk, and hope shoppers will give this aisle a chance if they haven’t tried it yet.

“We have so much more than just basic ingredients in the bulk aisle!” says Ari. “Next time you’re here, take a look at everything we have, you just might find your new favorite snack!” By choosing bulk, you’re not just making a choice for yourself; you’re contributing to a larger movement toward a more sustainable future and touching the very heart of Lakewinds’ past. Come meet Angel, Ari, or Joker at your local Lakewinds, and experience the benefits of bulk shopping firsthand!

 Tips & Recommendations

Employee Angel Holding Jars With Bulk Products


  • “I often hear that shopping bulk can be inconvenient. If anything, I think it’s easier to get exactly what I need rather than get a big bag of something I may not use, or get a bag that’s too small and have to go back to the store. We do understand that sometimes it’s nice to grab something and go, which is why we have some great pre-packed snacks around the store! (Packed by yours truly.)”
  • “Definitely all of the berry flavored teas! Those are really good. And the toffee almonds, those things are really addicting.”

Employee Ari Holding Jars With Bulk Products


  • “You can bring your own container to fill up. Weigh your container first, and enter in the weight on the tare weight screen on the scale [located in the bulk aisle]. This will make sure that you are not paying for the weight of your container. A great way to save some plastic!”
  • “My top favorites are the chocolate toffee almonds, the Lakewinds Cranberry Almond Granola, the everything bagel cashews, and the raspberry covered pretzels!”

Employee Joker Holding Jars With Bulk Products


  • “People that are struggling with trying to get the spices through the funnels: tear the bottom part inch off of your funnel. That’s going to make your life a lot easier, it’s going to flow through better, and you’re not going to have as much mess.”
  • “Mangos are my number one. I absolutely love dried mangos, I could live off those. Everything bagel cashews, glad corn – that’s one that a lot of people don’t know about and one of my favorite snacks!”

Explore more eco-friendly actions with our tips for sustainable shopping at the co-op.